The bookbinding adventure of the second group also began with a deep dive into paper formats. We meticulously folded and measured an A3 sheet, observing how it diminished in size with each fold, all the way down to the minuscule A9. After diligently recording the dimensions of each format, we embarked on our first project: a miniature A9 notebook.
Bertie showed us how a professional cutting machine can cut a pile of A4 paper into A8 sheets. We gave all the measurements during the cutting of the paper according to our previously made example. With patience, we then folded 24 A8 sized papers in half to create three “signatures” for our notebook.
We were then free to select a cover paper and adorn it with a little charm. The only thing left to do was unite both the cover and the signatures to create a tiny treasure.
In the second half of the lesson we worked on the fairytale book that the first group had already started. Each of us added a nice illustration on one of the pages, becoming part of a shared creative endeavor.